Saturday, April 30, 2011

When PINK Means OVERcooked

Sweatpants with the word PINK written on the leg, or more likely the ass region, need to be policed more regularly. I'm shocked that some asshole Senator from Massachusetts hasn't tried to introduce legislation. The PINK company probably has lobbyists who make the NRA ones look like pansies.

I would be perfectly happy if the government intervened  and violated the rights of eight year old predator bait walking around with a g-string slingshot hanging out of her PINK-emblazoned ass.

Take them away from her fifty year old mother too. The one that used a tanning bed to turn herself into slut jerky, riddled with melanoma and STDs, bleach blonde hair in a ponytail making me think I'm looking at prime rib until she turns around and it's obvious she's been well done.

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